
BR25 MaskROM


Function stubs

Address Name
0x117D40 local_irq_enable
0x117D44 local_irq_disable
0x117D48 p33_buf
0x117D4C p33_xor_1byte
0x117D50 p33_and_1byte
0x117D54 p33_or_1byte
0x117D58 p33_tx_1byte
0x117D5C p33_rx_1byte
0x117D60 P33_CON_SET
0x117D64 os_init
0x117D68 os_start
0x117D6C os_get_curr_tcb_var
0x117D70 os_task_create
0x117D74 os_current_task
0x117D78 os_time_dly
0x117D7C os_time_get
0x117D80 os_task_del_req
0x117D84 os_task_del_res
0x117D88 os_task_del
0x117D8C __os_taskq_pend
0x117D90 os_taskq_pend
0x117D94 os_task_pend
0x117D98 __os_taskq_post
0x117D9C os_taskq_post
0x117DA0 os_taskq_post_type
0x117DA4 os_taskq_flush
0x117DA8 task_queue_post_event
0x117DAC os_taskq_post_msg
0x117DB0 os_taskq_post_event
0x117DB4 os_taskq_accept
0x117DB8 os_taskq_del
0x117DBC os_taskq_del_type
0x117DC0 os_sem_create
0x117DC4 os_sem_del
0x117DC8 os_sem_pend
0x117DCC os_sem_post
0x117DD0 os_sem_set
0x117DD4 os_sem_valid
0x117DD8 os_sem_query
0x117DDC os_mutex_create
0x117DE0 os_mutex_del
0x117DE4 os_mutex_pend
0x117DE8 os_mutex_post
0x117DEC os_mutex_valid
0x117DF0 xTaskCreate
0x117DF4 xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle
0x117DF8 xTaskGetTickCount
0x117DFC xTaskGetHandle
0x117E00 vTaskDelete
0x117E04 xTaskGetApplicationTaskFlag
0x117E08 vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag
0x117E0C xQueueGenericCreateStatic
0x117E10 xQueueGenericReset
0x117E14 xQueueGenericSend
0x117E18 xQueueGenericSendFromISR
0x117E1C xQueueGenericReceive
0x117E20 xQueueReceiveFromISR
0x117E24 vQueueDelete
0x117E28 uxQueueMessagesWaiting
0x117E2C uxQueueMessagesWaitingFromISR
0x117E30 uxQueueSpacesAvailable
0x117E34 pcTaskGetName
0x117E38 prvGetExpectedIdleTime
0x117E3C eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus
0x117E40 vTaskStepTick
0x117E44 pxPortInitializeStack
0x117E48 xPortStartScheduler
0x117E4C vPortEndScheduler
0x117E50 vPortYield
0x117E54 vPortExitCritical
0x117E58 OS_ClrPending
0x117E5C vTickISR
0x117E60 pmalloc_init
0x117E64 pmalloc
0x117E68 pfree
0x117E6C pmalloc_get_unused_pages
0x117E70 get_physic_address
0x117E74 pmm_get_var
0x117E78 vmm_init_
0x117E7C vmalloc_
0x117E80 vfree_
0x117E84 vmem_get_phy_adr
0x117E88 vmem_start
0x117E8C vmem_end
0x117E90 vmm_get_var
0x117E94 vmalloc_v2
0x117E98 vfree_v2
0x117E9C vcopy_
0x117EA0 get_cvsd_codec_ops
0x117EA4 VecPlus_fix_r_r_r
0x117EA8 VecMinus_fix_r_r_r
0x117EAC VecDiv_fix_r_r_r
0x117EB0 VecEleMul_fix_r_r_r
0x117EB4 VecEleMul_fix_c_r_c
0x117EB8 VecMagAndDiv_fix
0x117EBC VecCopy_fix_r_r
0x117EC0 VecConjEleMulAndDiv_fix
0x117EC4 VecRecurAvg_fix
0x117EC8 VecConjRecurAvg_fix
0x117ECC VecMagRecurAvg_fix
0x117ED0 VecPlusMulScalar_fix
0x117ED4 VecGetMag_fix
0x117ED8 VecMax_fix_v_s
0x117EDC VecMin_fix_v_s
0x117EE0 VecOppos_fix
0x117EE4 VecMean_fix
0x117EE8 VecMeanSq_fix_c
0x117EEC VecRequanByMax_fix_r
0x117EF0 VecRequanByMxa_fix_c
0x117EF4 VecEleShift_fix_c
0x117EF8 VecOvShift_fix
0x117EFC VecCopy_fix_r_c
0x117F00 VecMeanSq_fix_r
0x117F04 VecEleShift_fix_r
0x117F08 logAprx_fix
0x117F0C expAprx_fix
0x117F10 sqrtAprx_fix
0x117F14 VecEleMul_s16_s16_s32
0x117F18 VecEleMul_s16_s32_s16
0x117F1C VecEleMul_s32_s16_s32
0x117F20 VecOvShift_s16_s16
0x117F24 VecOvShift_s16_s32
0x117F28 VecCopy_s16_s32
0x117F2C VecCopy_s32_s16
0x117F30 VecMinus_s16_s32_s32
0x117F34 VecMeanSq_s16_s32
0x117F38 CircVecArrEwMulAndSum_fix
0x117F3C B_fir_calc_s
0x117F40 B_array_vol
0x117F44 B_Syn_filt
0x117F48 B_Residu
0x117F4C B_comput_correlataionS
0x117F50 B_iircalc
0x117F54 repair_corefun_corr
0x117F58 repair_corefun_mixdata
0x117F5C get_repair_api
0x117F60 firfft
0x117F64 firifft
0x117F68 _rfifft_wrap
0x117F6C _rififft_wrap
0x117F70 memmem
0x117F74 memcpy
0x117F78 memmove
0x117F7C memcmp
0x117F80 memset
0x117F84 strcmp
0x117F88 strcpy
0x117F8C strlen
0x117F90 strncmp
0x117F94 strstr
0x117F98 strchr
0x117F9C __fixdfsi
0x117FA0 __fixsfsi
0x117FA4 spi_get_port
0x117FA8 spi_set_port
0x117FAC sfc_suspend
0x117FB0 sfc_resume
0x117FB4 sfc_drop_cache
0x117FB8 chip_crc16
0x117FBC CrcDecode
0x117FC0 mask_init
0x117FC4 wdt_clr
0x117FC8 nvram_set_boot_state
0x117FCC chip_reset
0x117FD0 the_debug_isr
0x117FD4 flash_poweron
0x117FD8 exception_irq_handler
0x117FDC print
0x117FE0 sprintf
0x117FE4 printf
0x117FE8 puts
0x117FEC doe
0x117FF0 LZ4_setStreamDecode
0x117FF4 LZ4_decompress_safe_continue
0x117FF8 LZ4_decompress_generic
0x117FFC LZ4_decompress_safe_usingDict


Implements the “mengli” / “crc” cipher. The ‘key’ is fixed to 0xFFFFFFFF.

void CrcDecode(
	void *buffer,	/* Buffer */
	int size	/* Size in bytes */


Implements the “ENC” cipher.

void doe(
	uint16_t key,	/* Key */
	void *data,	/* Buffer */
	int size,	/* Size in bytes */
	uint32_t adr	/* key ^= (adr >> 2) */


Default exception vector handler that is set up by the Mask ROM automatically.

When it’s called, it will push registers r0-r15 and reti,rete,retx,rets,psr,icfg,usp,ssp into the stack and then call the exception_irq_hook (that can be set up with the mask_init function) with the pointer to the stack frame provided in the stack frame. If the hook hasn’t been set up (it being NULL), then it will simply reset the chip.


Intializes the MaskROM enviroment for use by the application.

void mask_init(
	/* Heap free */
	void	(*free)(void *),
	/* Heap memory allocation */
	void *	(*malloc)(int),
	/* Free memory of the task's stack */
	void	(*stack_free)(void *),
	/* Allocate memory for task's stack */
	void *	(*stack_malloc)(int),
	/* suppress ticks and enter sleep mode (FreeRTOS) */
	/* start the first task (FreeRTOS) */
	void	(*vPortStartFirstTask)(),
	/* Exception hook */
	void	(*exception_irq_hook)(void),
	/* Idle task hook */
	void	(*idle_hook)(void),
	/* MaskROM putchar */
	void	(*putchar)(int chr),
	/* MaskROM error message output */
	void	(*log_e)(const char *fmt, ...)


Set up a special magic value in the “NVRAM” to trigger a USB or UART bootloader instead of going through the normal boot process.

enum nvram_boot_state {
	NVRAM_BOOT_STATE_USB_BOOT	= 2,	/* enter USB bootloader */
	NVRAM_BOOT_STATE_UART_BOOT	= 3,	/* enter UART bootloader */

void nvram_set_boot_state(
	enum nvram_boot_state	state;


An emulation vector handler.

When this is entered, it will switch the stack to a special debug stack, and push all general and special registers onto this stack.

The pointer of the stack frame is then written into JL_CPU->BSP (at 0x10F084), the bit 31 of JL_CPU->BPCON is cleared and it is polled until it sets. After that it restores the stack frame, switches stack back to normal and returns to normal execution.