

Basic counter timers with ability to output PWM.

Timer signals are exposed outside as the TMRx, CAPx and PWMx pins. TMR pins are the external clock inputs, CAP pins are the input capture signals and PWM pins are the PWM output pins of the respective timers.


Offset Name Description
0x00 CON Control regsiter
0x04 CNT Counter
0x08 PRD Period
0x0C PWM PWM duty cycle


Bits Type Name Default Description
15 R PND   Interrupt pending flag
14 W PCLR   Clear a pending interrupt
9 R/W PWM_INV b0 Invert output PWM signal
8 R/W PWM_EN b0 Enable PWM output
7:4 R/W PSEL b0000 Prescaler
3:2 R/W SSEL b00 Clock source (0: bus clock, 1: external clock, 2: osc_clk, 3: rc_clk)
1:0 R/W MODE b00 Timer mode (0: disabled, 1: counting, 2: capture rising, 3: capture falling)
PSEL Prescaler
b0000 /1
b0100 /2 (1*2)
b0001 /4
b0101 /8 (4*2)
b0010 /16
b0110 /32 (16*2)
b0011 /64
b0111 /128 (64*2)
b1000 /256 (1*256)
b1100 /512 (12256)
b1001 /1024 (4*256)
b1101 /2048 (42256)
b1010 /4096 (16*256)
b1110 /8192 (162256)
b1011 /16384 (64*256)
b1111 /32768 (642256)